want unrivaled, strategically smart connections between your brand & the humans you aim to please? good.
You’re in the right place.

I deliver big ideas you can’t get from just a lazy Google search.

I’ve rejuvenated and resurrected global & small business brands for two decades. My, and my teams’, solutions combine our vision and legit roi with innovative thinking that putS smiles on fans of your brand.


So WTH is Sounds Like Stu?!

It means wicked original tactics, tone-correct words, snarky spots, and integrated campaigns that sound like something that would come from my big, slightly wacked-out brain, ALWAYS thru the lens of your brand and your brand’s needs.

Throughout my 20+ year career, I’ve created, reconstructed and resurrected the stories of brands utilizing every B2C and B2B and H2H (Human to Human) medium.

While I successfully grew up in TV, print and radio advertising, the need to realize fully 360° integrated campaigns that connect brands to humans through story, led me to spend the second half of my career adding experiential, shopper, digital and social to my award-winning toolkit.

Although my passions include crafting solutions that achieve actual sales results, I also like teaching advertising, co-raising my daughter and catching less-than-smart fish.


I have had the pleasure of working with…